Fixing A VS2017 15.6 Installation Problem

After installing the latest Visual Studio 2017 15.6.6 (Community Edition), I found my custom setting of environment variables INCLUDE lost effect in the Developer Command Prompt. Strangely, LIB was still there. Some tracing indicated that it was a bug in the .BAT files Microsoft provided to initialize the environment. The offending lines are the following (in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd\core\winsdk.bat; one of them is very long and requires scrolling for viewing):

@REM the folowing are architecture neutral
set __tmpwinsdk_include=
if "%INCLUDE%" NEQ "" set "__tmp_include=;%INCLUDE%"
set "INCLUDE=%WindowsSdkDir%include\%WindowsSDKVersion%shared;%WindowsSdkDir%include\%WindowsSDKVersion%um;%WindowsSdkDir%include\%WindowsSDKVersion%winrt;%WindowsSdkDir%include\%WindowsSDKVersion%cppwinrt%__tmpwinsdk_include%"
set __tmpwinsdk_include=

Apparently somebody missed renaming __tmp_include to __tmpwinsdk_include. Doing that myself fixed the problem.

I’ve reported the problem to Microsoft. In the meanwhile, you know how to fix it if you encounter the same problem.

A Journey of Purely Static Linking

As I mentioned last time, I found Microsoft has really messed up its console Unicode support when the C runtime DLL (as versus the static runtime library) is used. So I decided to have a try with linking everything statically in my project that uses C++ REST SDK (a.k.a. cpprestsdk). This is not normally recommended, but in my case it has two obvious advantages:

  • It would solve the Unicode I/O problem.
  • It would be possible to ship just the binaries without requiring the target PC to install the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime.

It took me several hours to get it rolling, but I felt it was worthwhile.

Before I start, I need to mention that cpprestsdk has a solution file that supports building a static library. It turned out not satisfactory:

  • It used NuGet packages for Boost and OpenSSL, and both versions were out of date. Worse, my Visual Studio 2017 IDE hung while I tried to update the packages. Really a nuisance.
  • The static library, as well as all its dependencies like Boost and OpenSSL, still uses the C runtime DLL. I figured it might be easier to go completely on my own.



This part is straightforward. After going into the Boost directory, I only need to type (I use version 1.65.1):

.\b2.exe toolset=msvc -j 2 --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-regex --with-system --with-thread release link=static runtime-link=static stage
.\b2.exe toolset=msvc -j 2 --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-regex --with-system --with-thread release link=shared stage

(The last line is needed only because ‘cmake ..’ would otherwise fail to detect Boost in the ‘Building C++ REST SDK’ stage.)


As I already have Perl and NASM installed, installing OpenSSL is trivial too (I use version 1.0.2l):

perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=C:/Libraries/OpenSSL
nmake -f ms\nt.mak
nmake -f ms\nt.mak install


This part requires a small change to the build script (for version 1.2.11). I need to open win32\Makefile.msc and change all occurrences of ‘-MD’ to ‘-MT’. Then these commands will work:

nmake -f win32\Makefile.msc zlib.lib
mkdir C:\Libraries\zlib
mkdir C:\Libraries\zlib\include
mkdir C:\Libraries\zlib\lib
copy zconf.h C:\Libraries\zlib\include
copy zlib.h C:\Libraries\zlib\include
copy zlib.lib C:\Libraries\zlib\lib

Building C++ REST SDK

We need to set some environment variables to help the CMake build system find where the libraries are. I set them in ‘Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Environment variables’:1


(The above setting assumes Boost is unpacked under C:\src.)

We would need to create the solution files for the current environment under cpprestsdk:

cd Release
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

If the environment is set correctly, the last command should succeed and report no errors. A cpprest.sln should be generated now.

We then open this solution file. As we only need the release files, we should change the ‘Solution Configuration’ from ‘Debug’ to ‘Release’. After that, we need to find the project ‘cpprest’ in ‘Solution Explorer’, go to its ‘Properties’, and make the following changes under ‘General’:

  • Set Target Name to ‘cpprest’.
  • Set Target Extension to ‘.lib’.
  • Set Configuration Type to ‘Static library (.lib)’.

And the most important change we need under ‘C/C++ > Code Generation’:

  • Set Runtime Library to ‘Multi-threaded (/MT)’.

Click on ‘OK’ to accept the changes. Then we can build this project.

Like zlib, we need to copy the header and library files to a new path, and add the include and lib directories to environment variables INCLUDE and LIB, respectively. In my case, I have:


Change to my Project

Of course, the cpprestsdk-based project needs to be adjusted too. I will first show the diff, and then give some explanations:

--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -24,14 +24,25 @@ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${ELPP_FLAGS}")

-set(USED_LIBS Boost::dynamic_linking ${Boost_DATE_TIME_LIBRARY} ${Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY} ${Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY})
+set(USED_LIBS Winhttp httpapi bcrypt crypt32 zlib)

+        CMAKE_C_FLAGS
+foreach(CompilerFlag ${CompilerFlags})
+  string(REPLACE "/MD" "/MT" ${CompilerFlag}
+         "${${CompilerFlag}}")
 set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -W -Wall -Wfatal-errors")

There are two blocks of changes. In the first block, one can see that the Boost libraries are no longer needed, but, instead, one needs to link the Windows dependencies of cpprestsdk (I found the list in Release\build\src\cpprest.vcxproj), as well as zlib. One also needs to explicitly define _NO_ASYNCRTIMP so that the cpprestsdk functions will be not treated as dllimport.

As CMake defaults to using ‘/MD’, the second block of changes replaces all occurrences of ‘/MD’ with ‘/MT’ in the compiler flags.2 With these changes, I am able to generate an executable without any external dependencies.

A Gotcha

I am now used to using cmake without specifying the ‘-G’ option on Windows. By default, CMake generates Visual Studio project files: they have several advantages, including multiple configurations (selectable on the MSBuild command line like ‘/p:Configuration=Release’), and parallel building (say, using ‘/m:2’ to take advantage of two processor cores). Neither is possible with nmake. However, the executables built by this method still behave abnormally regarding outputting non-ASCII characters. Actually, I believe everything is still OK at the linking stage, but the build process then touches the executables in some mysterious way and the result becomes bad. I am not familiar with MSBuild well enough to manipulate the result, so I am going back to using ‘cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release’ followed by ‘nmake’ for now.

  1. CMake can recognize Boost and OpenSSL by some known environment variables. I failed to find one that really worked for zlib, so the INCLUDE and LIB variables need to be explicitly set. 
  2. This technique is shamelessly copied from a StackOverflow answer

Another Microsoft Unicode I/O Problem

I encountered an annoying bug in Visual C++ 2017 recently. It started when I found my favourite logging library, Easylogging++, output Chinese as garbage characters on Windows. Checking the documentation carefully, I noted that I should have used the macro START_EASYLOGGINGPP. It turned out to be worse: all output starting from the Chinese character was gone. Puzzled but busy, I put it down and worked on something else.

I spend another hour of detective work on this issue today. The result was quite surprising.

  • First, it is not an issue with Easylogging++. The problem can occur if I purely use std::wcout.
  • Second, the magical thing about START_EASYLOGGINGPP is that it will invoke std::locale::global(std::locale("")). This is the switch that leads to the different behaviour.
  • Myteriously, with the correct locale setting, I can get the correct result with both std::wcout and Easylogging++ in a test program. I was not able to get it working in my real project.
  • Finally, it turns out that the difference above is caused by /MT vs. /MD! The former (default if neither is specified on the command line) tells the Visual C++ compiler to use the static multi-threading library, and the latter (set by default in Visual Studio projects) tells the compiler to use the dynamic multi-threading library.

People may remember that I wrote about MSVCRT.DLL Console I/O Bug. While Visual C++ 2013 shows consistent behaviour between /MT and /MD, Visual C++ 2015 and 2017 exhibit the same woeful bug when /MD is specified on the command line. This is something perplexingly weird: it seems someone at Microsoft messed up with the MSVCRT.DLL shipped with Windows first (around 2006), and then the problem spread to the Visual C++ runtime DLL after nearly a decade!

I am using many modern C++ features, so I definitely do not want to go back to Visual C++ 2013 for new projects. It seems I have to tolerate garbage characters in the log for now. Meanwhile, I submitted a bug to Microsoft. Given that I have a bug report that is deferred for four years, I am not very hopeful. But let us wait and see.

Update (20 December 2017)

A few more tests show that the debug versions (/MTd and /MDd) both work well. So only the default release build (using the dynamic C runtime) exhibits this problem, where the executable depends on DLLs like api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll. It seems this issue is related to the Universal C Runtime introduced in Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 10. . . .

Update (25 March 2018)

The bug was closed, and a Microsoft developer indicated that the issue had already been fixed since the Windows 10 Anniversary Update SDK (build 10.0.14393). Actually I had had build 10.0.15063 installed. The reason why I still saw the problem was that the Universal C Runtime on Windows 7 had not been updated (‘the issue will be fixed in a future update to the Universal C Runtime on Windows 7’), and I should not have seen the problem on a Windows 10 box. The current workaround is either use static linking (as I did), or copy the redistributable DLLs under C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Redist\ucrt\DLLs\x86 (or x64 etc.) to the app directory (so called ‘app-local deployment’; which should not be used on Windows 10, as the system version is always preferred). My test showed that copying ucrtbase.dll was enough to fix my test case.